The Drawer Rotation Declutter Method

The Drawer Rotation Method Declutter your clothes dresser with the Drawer Rotation Method. Use this method along with the Konmari Folding Technique. When you put away your clean, folded clothes, place items to the back of your drawers – not in front.  Fold your clothes horizontally, so you can rotate them easily. This decluttering method

Declutter The Closet: The Reverse Hanger Method

The Reverse Hanger Method Living in a spacious clutter-free space actually gives you a sense of tranquility. A  home cluttered up distracts us and limits our ability to process information. Is your closet so cluttered you don’t know what’s in there anymore? Do you find it hard to let go of things that you never

Self Storage Packing & Storage Strategies

Do it right the first time.  Maximize your storage space by planning out what is going into storage and then how it will be organized. Planning ahead is key to smart storage. Map out what goes where before-hand for ease of access, front to back.  Strategize. BOXES OTHER MATERIALS PAKCING STRATEGIES STORAGE STRATEGIES Planning, prepping,

Why Renting A Self-Storage Unit Is Worth It

Protect and preserve your valuables, declutter and downsize your space. For many we simply don’t have enough space for our loved ones and all that stuff we’ve accumulated. Every square foot of our space needs to be maximized. The problem is that there is just not enough room for all the things we possess.   Learn

Declutter Your Space: Try The 20/20 & 5 Sec Rules

Most of us have a natural tendency to accumulate material things over time. Beyond basic things like clothes and kitchen gadgets there are those sentimental things that you’ve held onto for years.   Research shows that people perform better and think clearer when they are in an organized, peaceful environment. Clutter leads to chaos and may

Declutter & Simplify Your Space: Use The 80/20 Rule

Letting go of sentimental attachments often overrule our logical decisions making decluttering our lives a challenge. Following the 80/20 Rule can help guide you as you begin to simplify your space.  Believe it or not, we only use about 20% of our things, about 80% of the time. Be more with less, don’t let analysis

Packing Tips: Super Smart Ways to Organize Your Storage Unit  

There’s a wrong way and a right way to store your items. Proper Packing Methods For Clothing  Use the proper boxes and be sure to label everything to make the unpack effortless. Utilize these packing methods depending on what type of clothes are being stowed: ProTip –  Layer dryer sheets between clothes to keep insects

Let it Go! 10 Simple Steps to Declutter Your Space

Having too much stuff causes stress. Free yourself from the excess and create a peaceful place to relax and unwind. Find happiness and tranquility by following these super simple steps to declutter your life.  1. Don’t dither about, throw it out! Why are you still hanging on to that, you should have thrown it out

Summer Self Storage Is The Smart Solution for College Students

Now that school’s out for the summer, it’s time to move all that stuff! Don’t make a move until you think it through. Think self storage. Self storage is a low cost, convenient smart solution for college students. Store all your dorm room and apartment items in self storage for the summer.  Follow this super

Why Self Storage Is The Smart Solution

Our personal space is constantly being invaded, we all need a quiet space where we can relax and enjoy a few moments of tranquility. Having a space to call your own provides a sense of comfort and security, so you can take a break from all the chaos. Here are some reasons why self storage

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